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Side Eye: Sacramento Goes Silent

For months now, the Sacramento City Council has been suffering from a plague of malicious callers using vile racial slurs during public comment at their weekly meetings. These commenters are a continuation of a problem which began several months ago, when a specific individual, Ryan Messano, came to meetings in person to spout off white supremacist, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

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Down but NOT out: a local Tenant Anti-Harassment ordinance

Across the City and County of Sacramento, renters are facing abuse, harassment, coercion, threats, intrusion and MORE at the hands of their landlords with very limited options to turn to for support.

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$2BILLION for a new jail?!

On 8/8/23 the Sac County BOS voted on an item amending a contract with jail expansion design firm Nacht & Lewis, and a second item approving the selection of Kitchell/CEM, Inc, for construction management services and approving the intent of the county to secure a $925Million bond ($2BILLION with interest!!) to fund this expansion.

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Reform Is an Impossibility

At the June 20th Sacramento City Council meeting, the City's Office of Public Safety Accountability presented their Audit of the Sacramento Police Department (SPD): Misconduct Complaint Cases

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This Week's Spotlight: Quin Buhs!

Quin Buhs is a 17-year-old transgender activist who blends his work into his art as a form of activism, as well as engaging in education projects, such as public speaking and writing.

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Measure U - important recs ignored

The Measure U Advisory Committee is the oversight body for the 1cent sales & use tax levied on all purchases related to the City of Sacramento.

The funds generated from this tax are supposed to be used to “restore essential City services that had been cut or scaled back since 2008, including those provided by Sacramento fire, police, parks and libraries.”

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Sacramento Needs a Public Bank!

Creating a public bank would enable Sacramento residents to have ownership of that bank, determine the bank's investment priorities, and use funds to meet critical climate, housing, local business, social and infrastructure demands.​

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Copaganda Corner & SPD's raise request

The Sacramento Police Department gave a presentation on their proposed 2024 budget at the May 16th City Council meeting. The budget would be an $8.5 million increase from 2023, and overall features very few significant changes or shifts in PD priorities.

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Hey Sac County - stop housing our foster youth in a jail

This Committee exists as a workgroup of Sacramento County's Mental Health Board, and is looking at mistreatment of youth within Sacramento County. This workgroup was formed in response to an uptick in the number of youth who are unhoused & youth that need mental health services to take on the role of researching these issues and reporting back to the full MHB with policy recommendations.

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New Council, same climate discussions

Real talk, these climate updates have been the same for years. City staff discuss some of the excellent (and shiny) projects they are working on and what they expect to happen in the upcoming months. The projects are truly good and benefit the community and public health, and yes, the staff work incredibly hard.

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Jail expansion update & ADP reduction

At the end of 2022 we saw Sacramento County bring back its plan for jail expansion, despite the community having previously blocked an expansion on 3/10/21 (to learn more click here). Once again, the public has been lied to & the county is breaking promises made to explore solutions other than a jail expansion.

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Manipulation tactics from the SPD

Once again, the Sacramento City Council was faced with a request for even more money and ‘protective’ equipment for the Sacramento Police Department.

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Expansion of Equity Training in the City of Sacramento

Sacramento City's Racial Equity Committee met on 4/11 and discussed a Resolution on DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) trainings for elected officials, council staff, and appointed officers. First, let’s take a look at some context for this resolution, as well as some background about the Committee itself!

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Abuse and injustice in Sacramento County

In today's episode of Sacramento County Supervisors Behave Without Basic Human Decency, we'll be reporting back on what people who showed up at the 3/28/23 Sac County BOS meeting to provide public comment had to say. There were comments on items both on and off the agenda.

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Police Review Commission 2023 - a new work plan and an inadequate MEU policy

At the 3/28 City Council Meeting, the SCPRC's work plan was discussed and voted on. Mayor Steinberg opened the discussion - and though he gave the Commission credit for updates to their work plan as well the Commission’s approach, he commented that he wants the Commission to be more “independent” and “assertive” in their recommendations.

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SJPC Presents: Student Voices, "I am here"

This week SJPC is featuring a beautiful piece of art celebrating trans pride and joy from Quin Buhs, a high school student in the Folsom Unified School District.

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A Win is a Win… Sort of?

In June of 2021 the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted to approve a new 24/7 mental health crisis response program with the hopes that it would be ready and operational no later than July 2022. This program is now known as the Community Wellness Response Team (CWRT).

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