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Undermining the Police Review Commission

CALL TO ACTION:  support needed at the 10/15/24 Sacramento City Council meeting  at 2pm! If you’re able, please show up to this meeting...

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Environmental (IN)justice in Sacramento

In our last post we discussed what defines environmental justice. This week we’re going to talk about environmental injustice and how it manifests. We’re looking into the impact of these injustices on our most marginalized community members, and more specifically, our unhoused neighbors. 

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Environmental Justice in Sacramento: an introduction

TL;DR: the Sacramento region is experiencing the impacts (and facing the increasing severity) of climate change and environmental injustice. Our most vulnerable and marginalized community members bear the brunt of these effects, and are often forgotten when it comes to policy decisions regarding the environment and climate. Read through this piece to see what plans our local government has in place to mitigate these impacts, and which organizations are fighting for environmental justice.

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City budget part 4: A Measure U Perspective


unsurprisingly, Measure U funds are disproportionately being spent on policing INSTEAD OF solutions that would actually help to solve our housing and homelessness crisis. We STILL desperately need metrics around how Measure U funds are being spent, AND they should be easily accessible to the public!

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City budget part 2: The RydeFreeRT saga

TL;DR: Sacramento City Manager - and all around disappointment - Howard Chan attempted to remove funding for the RydeFreeRT program (a program that costs the City $1M...by contrast, this budgeting cycle we gave the police a $30M raise), but thanks in large part to community mobilization, this program will remain funded for another year! Unfortunately the City only covered $250,000 of the cost, with the remaining $750,000 being split between Sac RT and the Sacramento, Natomas, Elk Grove, and Twin Rivers Unified school districts. Permanent funding for this program will continue to be fought for.

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City budget part 1: The Audacity of Howard Chan


Bruh, how you have the audacity to try and give yourself another raise when you're already the highest paid city manager in the state AND your city is facing a $66M budget deficit? The audacity of Howard Chan is astounding! 

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Sacramento City Councilmember Mai Vang & Being a Community Steward

This month, SJPC is focusing on local elections. As a reminder to our readers, SJPC is a 501c-3 and therefore cannot endorse candidates running campaigns. For this month’s newsletter we are centering two candidates whose most recent runs for office have come to a conclusion as of the March 5th primary: Sac City Councilmembers Mai Vang and Katie Valenzuela. We are striving to use this month to focus on the importance of grassroots candidates and building progressive majorities in local governing bodies. 

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Darrell Steinberg's Failed "Compromise"

In January of this year, following a council meeting in which dozens of community members showed up to demand that Sacramento address the tragedy unfolding in Gaza, Councilmembers Katie Valenzuela and Mai Vang proposed a draft of a ceasefire resolution, calling for an immediate end to Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip.

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Social Work and the Importance of Staying Curious

SJPC’s focus this month is Health Equity; in our first newsletter we provided education around Sacramento County’s Community Wellness Response Team (AKA alt to 911 program), and for this piece we’re telling the story of someone working in our community to provide information and guidance on how to approach social work through a trauma-informed and intersectional lens. 

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The Beauty of Acting Out of Character

As a Black woman, I find the concept of acting out of character so interesting. Acting out of character, what a phrase. Shakespeare once said, “All the world’s a stage, all the men and women merely players.”

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Spotlight: Tamika L'Ecluse & the Sac Community Land Trust!

In August of 2023, Tamika L'Ecluse was hired as the Sacramento Community Land Trust's (SCLT) first Executive Director! Tamika is long-time community advocate who is dedicated to supporting and empowering our most disenfranchised community members.

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You want me to keep paying more and getting less?

Today, we’re reporting back on a conversation we had with Eleanor Oliver, a member of Decarcerate Sacramento, who took the time to share their story regarding the criminal legal system with us!

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Lies Law Enforcement Tells Us

This week we’re taking a look at the false narratives, lies, and propaganda fed to folks in the Sacramento area (and across the country) about the “necessity” of law enforcement (LE).

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