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City Budget Part 3: Sacramento Police Department Gets $28M Raise, City Faces $66M Deficit
TL;DR: the Sacramento Police Department seems to be able to get anyway with doing anything they want, including murdering our community members, breaking the law, violating peoples' constitutional rights, and engaging in targeted racial profiling and discrimination. So, they deserve a raise, right?
City budget part 2: The RydeFreeRT saga
TL;DR: Sacramento City Manager - and all around disappointment - Howard Chan attempted to remove funding for the RydeFreeRT program (a program that costs the City $1M...by contrast, this budgeting cycle we gave the police a $30M raise), but thanks in large part to community mobilization, this program will remain funded for another year! Unfortunately the City only covered $250,000 of the cost, with the remaining $750,000 being split between Sac RT and the Sacramento, Natomas, Elk Grove, and Twin Rivers Unified school districts. Permanent funding for this program will continue to be fought for.
Darrell Steinberg's Failed "Compromise"
In January of this year, following a council meeting in which dozens of community members showed up to demand that Sacramento address the tragedy unfolding in Gaza, Councilmembers Katie Valenzuela and Mai Vang proposed a draft of a ceasefire resolution, calling for an immediate end to Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip.
You want me to keep paying more and getting less?
Today, we’re reporting back on a conversation we had with Eleanor Oliver, a member of Decarcerate Sacramento, who took the time to share their story regarding the criminal legal system with us!
Side Eye: Sacramento Goes Silent
For months now, the Sacramento City Council has been suffering from a plague of malicious callers using vile racial slurs during public comment at their weekly meetings. These commenters are a continuation of a problem which began several months ago, when a specific individual, Ryan Messano, came to meetings in person to spout off white supremacist, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
Reform Is an Impossibility
At the June 20th Sacramento City Council meeting, the City's Office of Public Safety Accountability presented their Audit of the Sacramento Police Department (SPD): Misconduct Complaint Cases
Copaganda Corner & SPD's raise request
The Sacramento Police Department gave a presentation on their proposed 2024 budget at the May 16th City Council meeting. The budget would be an $8.5 million increase from 2023, and overall features very few significant changes or shifts in PD priorities.
Feeling optimistic - Sac City's Racial Equity Committee!
Sacramento City Council's Racial Equity Committee met on January 24th, 2023 to outline their plans for the year of 2023.
The Siting Plan, it was nice(?) knowin' ya
The City of Sacramento seems to have seen the writing on the wall, and has decided to officially let the Comprehensive Siting Plan To Address Homelessness, which they passed last year, die.
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