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Environmental (IN)justice in Sacramento

In our last post we discussed what defines environmental justice. This week we’re going to talk about environmental injustice and how it manifests. We’re looking into the impact of these injustices on our most marginalized community members, and more specifically, our unhoused neighbors. 

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Spotlight: Tamika L'Ecluse & the Sac Community Land Trust!

In August of 2023, Tamika L'Ecluse was hired as the Sacramento Community Land Trust's (SCLT) first Executive Director! Tamika is long-time community advocate who is dedicated to supporting and empowering our most disenfranchised community members.

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The Constant Housing Struggle: Andi & Dylan Edition

This week we're continuing our exploration of the ways in which renter's are being disenfranchised and exploited by landlords in the Sacramento area through a conversation with SJPC's Program Manager, Andi Bianchi, and his partner Dylan Hoy-Bianchi.

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Measure U - important recs ignored

The Measure U Advisory Committee is the oversight body for the 1cent sales & use tax levied on all purchases related to the City of Sacramento.

The funds generated from this tax are supposed to be used to “restore essential City services that had been cut or scaled back since 2008, including those provided by Sacramento fire, police, parks and libraries.”

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Hey Sac County - stop housing our foster youth in a jail

This Committee exists as a workgroup of Sacramento County's Mental Health Board, and is looking at mistreatment of youth within Sacramento County. This workgroup was formed in response to an uptick in the number of youth who are unhoused & youth that need mental health services to take on the role of researching these issues and reporting back to the full MHB with policy recommendations.

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The Siting Plan, it was nice(?) knowin' ya

The City of Sacramento seems to have seen the writing on the wall, and has decided to officially let the Comprehensive Siting Plan To Address Homelessness, which they passed last year, die.

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